
Our gradings take place every 3 months, and students who the instructors feel have sufficient technical ability, knowledge, attendance and effort in lessons will be invited to grade. Students who do not make this mark will be deferred to the next grading where they will be re-assessed.

Gradings take place in front of the instructors, and will go through some to all of their syllabus. We expect students to know their full syllabus and be able to demonstrate the syllabus at any point, the grading examiners will then as the students to perform the moves, kata and sparring. If the student is successful and shows good attitude and ability, then they will be rewarded with their next grade, belt and certificate.

Our belt system follows the colour sequence of –

10th Kyu (beginner) – White,

9th Kyu – Red

8th Kyu – Yellow

7th Kyu – Orange

6th Kyu – Green

5th Kyu – Blue

4th Kyu – Purple

3rd Kyu – Brown

2nd Kyu – Brown + 1 white stripe

1st Kyu – Brown + 2 white stripes

1st Dan – Black belt